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At AACC, we strive to make the payment process 简单明了,从接受多种类型的付款到提供一个选项 interest-free payment plan. 我们的收银处随时为您服务,方便您付账, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Methods of Payment

AACC Payment Plan for Credit Students

新注册的学分课程的学生和返回学分的学生谁是最新的付款之前的所有条款有资格参加我们的免息 Tuition Payment Plan


Note: For most noncredit courses, you’ll pay in full at the time of registration. However, a payment plan is available for some courses.


阿诺德学生服务中心的出纳处是唯一的现金支付方式. 现金付款不接受在任何其他地点,通过邮件或投递箱.

Credit Cards

许多学生和家庭都喜欢用信用卡在线支付的便利 MyAACC. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. 您也可以通过电话(410-777-2236)或邮寄(将您的卡信息写在您的付款存根上)刷卡付款。. 目前,信用卡自动付款计划是不可用的.

Check/Debit Cards

We accept Visa and MasterCard check and debit cards only. Payments can be made through MyAACC or by calling the cashier's office at 410-777-2236. 此时,支票或借记卡的自动付款是不可用的.

Checks or Money Orders

我们接受以最全菠菜网院为收款人的支票和汇票. 您可以用支票或汇票邮寄到AACC, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012. 一定要包括你的付款存根,并在你的支票或汇票上注明学生的姓名和AACC ID号码.

Note: There is a $25 fee for each returned check, and after two returned check fees, you no longer will be allowed to pay by check.

Electronic Checks

Electronic check payments are only accepted via MyAACC. Have the following information ready before you log in:

  • Routing number
  • Account number
  • Check number
  • Name and address that appear on your check

Note: There is a $25 fee for each returned check, and after two returned check fees, you no longer will be allowed to pay by check. 此时,不能使用自动银行汇票付款.

Gift Cards

If paying with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express gift card, 购买后保留此卡120天(即使已全部使用). 120天之前的退款可能会自动应用到用于付款的礼品卡上. 如果你不再拥有礼品卡,你就有可能失去这笔钱. AACC cannot be held liable for lost or discarded gift cards. 


我们相信每个人都应该有机会追求自己的教育目标, regardless of their circumstances. 从特定人群的学费减免到指定项目的学费减免, 我们致力于让不同类型的学生更容易接受教育.

Learn more about available waivers and how you may qualify.

Payment Questions and Policies

有时,我们知道情况的出现使支付大学学费变得有点复杂. What if you need to withdraw? Can you get a refund? 如果你还在等待经济援助的确认怎么办? 为了解决这些问题和其他问题,我们制定了一些政策和指导方针.

When to Pay

对于学分学生,应在账单上列出的到期日之前付款. 如果在到期日之前未收到付款,将收取滞纳金,并且您可能因未付款而被退学.

For credit students who are on interest-free payment plans,你付的金额和额外付款的时间/金额取决于你的情况.

For noncredit students, payment is due at the time of course registration.

Third-Party Payments

It’s common for a third party, such as an employer or college tuition fund, to make payments on a student’s behalf. If you plan to receive third-party assistance, 当你注册课程时,将赞助组织的文件发送到出纳办公室. 第三方援助未涵盖的任何费用由您负责,并可能被罚款.

In compliance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (Title 38 USC 3679(e) Compliance), "the college will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of any late fee, 排除注册或以其他方式拒绝访问类, libraries or other college facilities, or requiring the student to borrow additional funds, on any student using U.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA)职业康复和就业(第31章)或9/11后退伍军人法案(第33章)因VA支付或支付资金的任何延迟而未支付财务义务的人的福利."

Students Receiving Financial Aid

如果你已经通过完成FAFSA申请经济援助,并在申请截止日期之前提交所有必要的文件, 经济援助办公室将暂时冻结你的账户,以防止你的课程被退学. 如果你注册晚了,或者没有在提交FAFSA和提交所需文件的最后期限之前,你的课程可能会因未付款而被取消. 来自财务援助办公室的电子邮件将指导您完成申请过程. Check your MyAACC email daily for updates.

While going through the financial aid application process, 我们鼓励您在注册时支付所需的首付款,以确保您的课程. 您必须在账单上列出的预定到期日之前提交所需的付款.

Once your financial aid package is approved and processed, 我们将更新您的付款账户,以反映任何尚未到期的费用或偿还您的任何超额付款.

Refunds and Withdrawals

当你注册一门课程时,你要承担经济责任. 不付款或未能上课不会导致课程自动退学或免除经济责任. To be eligible for a refund, you must drop the course through MyAACC 或向记录和注册办公室提交删除/添加表格,地址为 by the refund deadline.

Learn more about refund options and withdrawals (including refund deadlines).

Past-due Accounts

未在到期日之前全额支付的学生账单被视为过期账户,可能会被处以逾期罚款和催收. If your account is past-due, 它可能会被转交给外部催收机构,你将承担所有学费的经济责任, fees, penalties, reasonable attorneys' fees and collection costs. 此外,在全额付款之前,学生将无法注册未来的学期. Respond promptly to past-due notices. Payment plans are available. Contact the cashier's office at 410-777-2236 for information.

Class Cancellations

当学院取消课程时,学生可以全额退还所有学杂费. 取消校外课程的信息可在各中心的总办公室查询.


We're here to help.

Cashier's Office

Credit Costs and Fees

Cashier’s Office

Student Services Building,
Suite 120
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012


Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

You may pay your bill at the above location or:

Text Us

at 410-777-1212

How much?

有很多工具可以估算你的教育成本. Try one of these: